Friday, May 23, 2003
I want you kisses
Do you want mine
Just to touch you
Nothing more
Nothing less
A mere kiss
From your lips
To mine
Devoring your taste
Our lips like to mingle
Such pleasure
Two pressings of lips
Yours and mine
The world spins
I am lost in a fantasy
Drugged by your taste
My senses are overloaded
Holding you near
As I fight for control
Our tongue do there dance
But oh how I like to bite
First your top lip '
Then the lower lip
I suck on your tongue
deeper and deeper
very gently
Giving you a sneak peak
Of what this wicked little thing can do
I tease you
You tease me
Playing a game
Only we can do
So little time
Yet eternity feels in your arms
I look up to see you smiling
As our lips part
My love clearly shown
As I bring my fingertips to my lips
And send a kiss on the wings of a breathe
written by Unknown at 8:44 AM~Email Me~ [comment]
Your words seduce me
I am heading your call
Love me a little or alot
It matters nothing at all
I am yours as you are mine
Together in time
We grow old and wise
Our children
Such blessed gifts
Run around us to and fro
We laugh and we cry
WIth all things that we do
But together you and me
Our love is so true
My heart is yours
My life is yours
My body is yours
What else is there
My simple words
These lovely phrases
Don't compare with mere action
As I take a peak
Underneath your clothes
And get pure satisfaction.
written by Unknown at 8:27 AM~Email Me~ [comment]
The Rose
His flowery words seduce me
My pulse elevates
My thoughts such a distraction
Her green eyes glow with a challenge
I close my eyes
To memory of lust
and things found within a kiss
Of promises never kept
But oh how I pretend to believe
Our bodies such wicked little pleasures
She meets your gaze from across the room
His bold eyes devoring of her body
She smiles softly
Her thoughts racing wildly
He arises to her challenge
Her body langauge all mystery
He is bold and beautiful
Are you ready
Her breathy reply
Can you feel my desire
Just for you
His dark eyes pierce me
As you pull me close
Your lips consume me
Making me shudder
Tiny little shivers of pleasure
So much touching
Her senses collide
From just one kiss
She fights for inner peace
Taking the lead in there lovers role
She guides you to her palace
Her bed under the stars
All silky softness are her touches
Till the need drives her wild
She wants you closer
But the space seems to far away
Only meer breathes apart
Looking at him under her lashes
Any reaction will do
He moans and smiles
He knows her game
He lets her win
She is beauty and ice
Such a sweet contradiction
He boldy possesses her
As she gives in to lovers temptation
She is in rapture
Meeting his challenge
Giving and receiving
There bodies are mingled
Such sweet satisfaction
He kisses her fierce
Possesing her spirit
But only for a time
As the lovers dance marches down
There bodies squivering
As the lust abates
He holds her closely
Wondering whats in her heart
She awakens the next morning
And finds a beautiful rose
with these words
Your like a delicate flower
With each petal removed
Becomes more beautiful
You move me in ways
And I am lost to you forever...
She smiles to the memory of a rose
written by Unknown at 8:08 AM~Email Me~ [comment]
Wednesday, May 21, 2003
My little heart wants you
Your the emptiness that never goes away
The one that makes me complete
My lost sunshine
My life
My soul
My reason for living
I breathe
But I am not living
I see
But I have no eyes
This pain never goes away
The emptiness
The bottomless abyss
My scared heart
So tragic in its lies
My many illusions
Surrounding me
I do not dream
I can't dare
I tremble
I scream
I cry
Sometimes I want to die
The anger builds
Strength and resolve takes it place
I love you
I hate you
Why does this feeling never go away
I dream of you
I die without you
I wither without love
I can not grow
I can not live
Without you life is meaningless
Do I dare to dream?
I whisper do you hear me?
Touch me break my resolve
I want you
I need you
I love you
written by Unknown at 9:51 AM~Email Me~ [comment]