Saturday, September 03, 2011
She's Not dreamless I see in color
Just a little broken and abused
My heart sings in technicolor
Yours is still skipping on the record
Can you hear that song
She is dancing to all by herself
The beat of her own drum
Smiling at her own pain
Like its her own private joke
Will anybody ever understand
The irony of this life doesn't escape me
I wish I could just reverse
Maybe put the movie on pause
Put a brake on my own mouth
Get those thoughts out of my head
Before the walls come tumbling down
Too many times I have fired that gun
Luckily for you their jsut blanks
I swallow my daily dose of poison
Such a bitter pill to choke down
I still wear a "S" on my chest
ANd move at the speed of Light
The world tries to keep me caged
Like im some beautiful fragile bird
Wearing my straight jacket for your protection
Trying hard to resist the urges
To the one place I would love to itch
Soul to Soul can you feel it
Close your eyes and just imagine
A place where you can be free
Just on the tip of your tongue
Lost words wont come easily
Somewhere I have keys to the locks
But none seem to want to fit
I have been sitting here without you
Will you ever find me before I lose hope
Knowing that I am meant to be someones inspiration
Somewhere in a sea of chaos
That guy is wishing wishes
Of a girl just like me
written by Unknown at 1:10 AM~Email Me~ [comment]